
GEA Custom Calculators

Name Description Button/Message
Lighting Calculator An interactive lighting calculator that allows the user to enter in their own lighting details to measure the cost and emissions savings that can be achieved by switching to energy efficiency lighting. Download
Electric Vehicle Calculator An interactive electric vehicle calculator where the user can enter key variables to determine cost and emissions savings that can be achieved by switching from an internal combustion engine to an electric vehicle. Download
Solar Electricity Calculator An interactive solar electricity calculator where the user can enter key variables to determine cost and emissions savings that can be achieved by installing a solar PV system. Coming Soon

Other Calculators

Name Description
Carbon Footprint carbon calculator User-friendly carbon calculator that calculates your carbon emissions for your home, transportation, plus a variety of other sources to give an understanding of your overall carbon footprint. The results compare individual footprint to country average and a world average.
The Nature Conservancy carbon calculator User-friendly, interactive carbon calculator that calculates your carbon emissions based on different carbon sources, such as travel, home, food and shopping. The final summary calculates the carbon emissions from the multiple sources and presents results as a summary table or a graph, along with some suggestions on how to take action to reduce your carbon footprint.
TreeCanada carbon calculator A simple Canadian carbon calculator that factors in your location with your energy use and transportation to determine both your carbon footprint and number of trees that need to be planted to offset your emissions.
Natural Resources Canada Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator A simple Canadian interface to compare emissions or energy data to everyday equivalents, such as number of passenger vehicles, litres of gasoline, barrels of oil.
EPA carbon calculator A simple interface to compare emissions or energy data to wider variety of everyday equivalents, such as number of passenger vehicles, litres of gasoline, barrels of oil, to get a perspective on carbon impact, along with comparisons to every day equivalents for carbon sequestration.
MCCAC Electric Vehicles Savings Calculator A downloadable, Albertan electric vehicle calculator that compares cost and GHG emissions savings of gasoline-powered vehicles to electric vehicles.
Green Learning Electrical Energy Calculator These simple, easy-to-use calculators determine the annual electricity consumption, emissions and costs, based on the number of watts and minutes used per day for a particular device or appliance. Customized calculators are available for BC, Alberta and Ontario.